Currently we have sub-sections for:
Some of this information will appear in each newsletter.
Our Association would not be able to organise many events unless we are sure that they will at least cover their costs.
Therefore it is important that members who are interested in an event should book for it as soon as possible. Early booking is recommended as some events become fully booked.
If an event looks as though it is going to be unviable 30 days before it is due to take place then it is likely to be cancelled and all payments refunded. Cancellation is unusual but can happen.
Are you tired of keep filling in the same information on the booking form?
Why not download our new Interactive Booking Form
Organisers of events handle their own bookings. This makes it easier to assess demand, and to contact those who have booked with any additional information about the event. Having a direct link between organiser and 'customer' makes for easier administration.
You do not need to enclose a SAE if we are confirming by eMail or phone.
Each event is advertised in the Newsletter and the Web site, and will include all necessary information:-
We will publish at least four Standard Booking Forms with each Newsletter. If you envisage booking for events we suggest you establish a stockpile of these forms in case you want to book [e.g.] for five events and the Newsletter only has four forms.
Each form in the Newsletter is two-sided, [i.e. front and back], four forms per pull-out sheet, and has spaces for :-
On the Front
If an event has limited places available, no tickets will be confirmed until 2-3 weeks after its first announcement in a Newsletter, to allow those who were away from home a reasonable chance of booking.
You may bring ONE GUEST who is not a member of WSNTA or NT, at an additional charge of £ 1 per ticket. Note that if we are visiting a NT property any NON MEMBER OF NT would be expected to pay for admission, as this is not included in our advertised ticket price. Entry to other venues will be included in the price we quote.
Tickets for GUESTS will be confirmed approx 4 weeks after the first announcement in a Newsletter, to ensure that Association members get priority for tickets. If there are still tickets available 2 weeks before the event then you may bring additional guests.
If you know a friend is sending in a separate booking form and you would like to sit together, or if you have a preference for any particular seats, please enclose a separate note with your booking.
The COST as quoted on the Advert Page will include [where relevant] the coach fare, entrance to Non-NT properties [unless stated otherwise] and all gratuities. Sometimes an optional meal will be available.
We will confirm bookings [after the initial 2-week waiting period] by:-
If you don't get a reply immediately it may be the organiser is away for a few days.
We are well aware that members will sometimes need to cancel a booking. The more notice you can give us the more likely we will be able to sell your ticket to someone on a waiting list, or avoid charges at venues to be visited. Even if it is a last minute cancellation, please let us know, or a coach may be wait for you at a pick up point.
Refunds are not normally made automatically. Sometimes members generously say they are not seeking a refund. If you cancel, and there is no waiting list, we cannot avoid the cost element of engaging a tour guide, or coach hire, as we pay per coach and not per seat. If you do seek a refund, apply in the first instance to the organiser of the event, who will submit this request to the full committee for consideration.
We treat each request for a refund on its merits, and aim to treat members in a fair and reasonable manner. Equally we need to be fair to the organisers of the events. Normally an administration charge of £ 5 per 'ticket' will apply.
If you cancel when an event has a waiting list and we can fill your place, you will receive a full refund less the £ 5 administration charge.
If you cancel and we can avoid the costs associated with any meal you ordered, or admission costs to a venue, then we will refund those costs less the £ 5 administration charge.
All day-trip coach outings have their main pick-up in Minehead in King Edward Road just below the junction with Alexandra Road. If you don't know where this is please ask!
Please try to park in Alexandra Road or the top part of King Edward Road, and not to block any driveways!
Holidays will start in Townsend Road where there is more room for luggage. Please do not leave your car parked on street during Holidays -taxis are arranged if requested at very reasonable cost.