wsnta annual general meeting - Wed 21 February 2024

The 2024 AGM will take place on Wednesday February 21st.

Full details of the meeting will be published in the next newsletter, due out on February 1st., and probably some information by email before then. Members without email who have requested interim news to be posted will receive this by post when the emails go out. I am happy to add names to this list for posted updates.

We would be pleased to hear beforehand from any members who would like to be nominated for election to the Committee as ordinary committee members or as Officers. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Secretary and are often completed at the Christmas Lunch.

Organiser: T B A
(contact details in newsletter)

Time & Place

Start: Doors open 2pm. Start 2.30 pm.

Methodist Church Hall
31 The Avenue

TA24 5AY